Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The ends justifies the means.

Well, I have recently finished Ex Libris, The Arabian Nights, and Great Expectations, and many of my opinions are expressed through others. Ex Libris being a book about reading seems a little bizarre and almost difficult to read, yes some point I find wonderful, plagerism, eating of books and some other small sections are well written and interesting, however, as much as I am a reader, and yes I really read quite often, it was still more diffult to finish reading than what was expected. The Arabian Nights, however, was quite entertaining, the stories were vivid and allowed the imagination to wander into the difficult levels of the book. I found it quite funny to see the word ablutions in The Arabian Nights and this fact wasn't surprising, but since we talk so much of it in class and seeing it, I found it entertaining. Today in class, Professor Sexson said what seperates the sheep from the goats and I must say, that as a student in the College of Agriculture, I found that funny, that the one semester or session I do not have a Agriculture class we are talking of sheep and goats. One thing about "coincidence". As part of the back story, one of my roomates decided to put of a collage of scrapbook paper, since she works at Jo Ann's and on Monday I was looking at one and what do I see, a quote from Wallace Stevens. Of course this set me off into a fit of laughter, forcing me to then explain to my sister and my roommate why I was laughing so hard. They now think I am insane, however, I think they already believed I was. Well, I guess the "moral" of the story of this books we read would be that no matter how silly or strange the book is, there is always a chance to be having your imagination take off on you. Anyway, I'm off to memorize my poem if possible.

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