Tuesday, July 29, 2008

One step closer...

So, as a funny thought, I was watching P.S I Love you over the weekend, and it mentions Miss. Havisham a few times, and I thought how when I had first seen this movie I had no idea who they were talking about and now I do. Wow, I learned something. ;) Anyways, I've been writing my paper since yesterday and I'm pretty far, however, turns out I needed a break since I started repeating random things in my paper. Now, I'm spending time editing a story my sister has been writing. As for Oedipus and Earnest, I must say that I read it, however, it seems not very carefully, it's hard to follow somewhat so I'm going to reread it so I can really grasp what I'm supposed to understand. Anyway, I don't really have much to say, it has been a long day so I should go and reread those plays. Only 5 more days of class, this is only truly exciting because I finally get to go home and be with my horses.

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