Thursday, July 17, 2008

Found Poetry

So, for my found poetry, I found it in a strange place. See a few years ago my sister and I decided to make a holiday for ourselves. My holiday happened to be last saturday in which my sister gave me this book. The book was written from this horse trainer about techniques well in the first page I created my poetry:

Only limited light between
human and horses
certain connections
work brings between
human and horses
human and horses

Yes, many people don't care for horses as much as I do, however, I also decided who I am writing my sonnet too. See last year this farm I work at had a hard time, animals dying left and right. 1 Horse, 1 Dog, 4 Chickens, 1 Goat and I think that is about it except some goldfish. Well at the end of the year a new baby horse moved in and was named for her new beggining. So my sonnet is going to be to that baby horse that will in two years become mine. This took me awhile to think of, however, I now know most of the lines in my sonnet, yet I hate writing sonnets so who knows if I will keep it. Now I guess I need to look over information for my test as well as enjoy my chaos (also known as my kitten Aspen).

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